Sunday, October 17, 2010

They Call These Mountains

Day 38

October 17, 2010

The traveler’s angel must have taken pity on us last night as we fled the Bed Bug Inn.  With no reservation for another room from the manager we launched ourselves west to find a better bed for the night.  As we headed north and west a bright half moon hung over our shoulder.  Clouds drifted over it and the moon lit up the clouds and the surrounding sky like a spot light.  We took it as a good omen as it followed us up the dark and lonely highway.  We were a ways from the next hotel, but luckily we found a big, clean room.  We checked the bed, checked in, brushed our teeth, feel into bed, and didn’t move until about 8:00 the next morning.  Best Western was our salvation from the dark and lonely night.  Even better news was coming.  They had a guest laundry just three doors down from our room.  We had a lazy morning.  Started laundry and went to the restaurant attached to the hotel.  I never eat like this, but today I had steak, eggs, hash browns, and toast with hot tea for breakfast!  It must have been the stressful night, because I ate it all.  We washed clothes, showered, did laundry, repacked and left about 1:00 PM heading for Minnesota.

We have hills on our golf courses bigger than some of the hills they call mountains here, but the landscape is really changing.  The ‘mountains’ are now showing more of a peak and not a rolling series of rounded hills.  There are actually rocky formations showing through the trees and it’s beginning to look a lot like home.  We just drift through the day going from town to town.  We stop at local food stands and buy new varieties of apples to try.  Jack buys a squash to bake when we get home.  Nobody knows the name of it, but they all agree it’s one of he best.  We’re missing our own home cooked food.  Meat loaf baked potato and squash sound better every day.  We slip into a side road that takes us along the Mississippi and to a mountain that stands in the middle of the river, Trempealeau Mountains.  What we see looks only about 400’ and a bit like a small wooded island, but they call it a mountain and we take the requisite tourist photo.  Later we come to Nelson Creamery.  Did you know there are places where you can get a really delicious scoop of creamery ice cream for only $1.00?  Well we found that place today.  We picked up some of the local cheese to try as we continue our way west.  Across the street the local American Legion is having a fund raiser and that’s where Jack can no longer resist the squash temptation.  We add our goodies to the car and keep going. 

I’d been hoping to make it to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Pepin, WI.  By now, it’s 4:50 and I know that it’ll take a miracle to get there in time.  The sign says, “Open Daily 9-5”.  The clock says 5:05.  I check the museum door just to make sure some faithful employee isn’t still working away, but no.  They are closed.  That just gives me one more reason to return I guess.  The miles fly by and we’re getting closer to our motel.  I’m driving and turn off to switch with Jack and there right before our eyes is yet another Mexican restaurant.  They are everywhere.  We’ve eaten more Mexican food on this trip than when we went to New Mexico I swear.  But it’s handy, turns out it’s good and has a few different items, and we don’t have to look later for a place to eat.  The whole place is rented out for a party, except for the bar where we eat.  We can hear the festivities and kids are running everywhere.  The restroom’s crowded and while I wait a little girl changes into a beautiful, bright green, floor length, dress with a hoop slip that makes it stand out all around her.  She puts on her bright green wings and they return to the party.  I wish I could see what it’s all about.  We’re about ready to leave as they turn on the microphone and make a few announcements.  The mariachi band starts up just as we leave.  It’s been a good day.

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